Gloucester Food Forum


November 9


02:00 pm - 04:30 pm

Click to Register:

Feeding Gloucestershire

Email: [email protected] Phone: 07803264270 Website:

Kingfisher Church

Moor Street

Gloucester, United Kingdom, GL1 4NJ

Join us for a workshop which will look at how we can work together to create a sustainable food network for Gloucester.

Building a sustainable food network was one of the priority areas identified at Feeding Gloucestershire’s launch and we are inviting you to join us to explore how this can be achieved – we will look at how we can bring together strategic and policy priorities with practical community delivery, knowledge and experience – to identify key development areas and create an action plan that is reflective of the needs of Gloucester City and the organisations that support the city.

We will also have the opportunity to discuss Nourishing Gloucester – the food strategy developed for Gloucester City by the Gloucestershire Gateway Trust. We will look at what the strategy means in practical and policy terms and how it can be used to support the work of the Food Network

This event will be the first event in a series to shape this work and it will be of interest to all organisations who are working to support the city’s communities to access better, affordable, sustainable food.

In order to achieve this aim we will need to work collaboratively and we welcome everyone who has a stake in developing this network for Gloucester.

Light refreshments will be available during the workshop.