Following on from our first meeting in September we would like to invite all Community Hubs in the Stroud District to come along to a meeting where our theme for discussion will be volunteers. You will hear from different organisations on how they manage, retain and recruit their teams of volunteers and we will discuss what we can do as a group to improve and support this area of our work.
These events are the building blocks for forming a balanced and effective working relationship where we can bring together strategic and policy priorities with practical community delivery and knowledge. Following on from our first event we are beginning to establish a workplan and we will use this workshop as an opportunity to update on progress since our first meeting and hear your thoughts on progress and priorities. We will also discuss how we can use the forum to condense the number of meetings that currently take place and draft a calander for the next 6 months to be more time efficient and give advance notice. All this work is open and collaborative, and we welcome all stakeholders – individual, political, organisational – to work together, this is not a standalone piece of work.
We will be providing a light buffet lunch that we will eat through out the meeting, please let us know in advance if you have any dietary requirements.