Gloucestershire Food and Farming Partnership

Are a collaborative partner network formed by harnessing the voices, passion and expertise of institutions, organisations, businesses, groups and communities across the region to build and champion a sustainable food and farming future for the county of Gloucestershire.

During early 2021 Feeding Gloucestershire was working in parallel with GFFP, but are now discussing working in partnership to deliver strands of the GFFP work.

Feeding Gloucestershire has also facilitated connections to support the GFFP’s organisational conversation program. These organisational conversations have given a picture of the variety of work happening across the county that has a focus on food – including food hubs, food pantries and food banks, community projects, community growing schemes, community orchards and community allotments.

The conversations have highlighted how essential the community and voluntary sector are in providing support to communities across our county and the need to connect and support this work.

Emergent theme’s from these conversations have served to direct Feeding Gloucestershire’s membership offer.

Gloucestershire Food and Farming Partnership