Tewkesbury was our penultimate launch, our venue was Churchdown Community Centre and our delicious lunch, which featured local produce including lovely strawberries served with vegan cream, was created by Emma of The Welcome Table Cafe.
The launch was the opportunity to hear from Jenny, the county’s Sustainable Food Places coordinator, about the work of Sustainable Food Places and the benefits for our county and Andy Sanders told us about the work of the Borough Council and the support they can offer community organisations.
Our first breakout session focused on acknowledging what is already happening across the borough and what is working well – from food pantries and food banks to warm spaces, and we also worked to identify gaps.
Our second breakout looked at how we could build a thriving food movement in the borough with a view to creating a food strategy and we also considered who else should be a part of this conversation.
Our thanks to those who were able to join us for this launch, we look forward to working with you and others across the district.