The challenges and opportunities for local VCSE organisations
Tag: Health & Wellbeing
Keep it Local for Better Health
How Integrated Care Systems can unlock the power of community
VCS Alliance
We're the independent voice that informs, strengthens and develops the Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Gloucestershire
Social Farms and Gardens
Supporting communities to farm, garden and grow together
Food For the Planet: Every Mouthful Counts
Every mouthful counts is an analysis of how UK councils are tackling the climate and nature emergency through policies and action on food governance, farming and food growing, food waste and procurement.
Healthy Start Scheme
If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

Community Rest Garden
Open Mondays & Thursdays12 -2pm with Claire from Project Grow and the Fresh Hope Pantry Project.
Tuesday 4 - 5:30pm and the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 11- 1pm for Wildlife Friendly Garden with Alison
[email protected]

Enrich – Practical Tools for a Healthier Lifestyle
Your health and wellbeing journey for a healthier, happier you -every Tues from 11am - 1pm at St Marks Church Hall, Cheltenham, GL51 7AL
Hidden Hardship: Everyday Experiences, Coping Strategies, and Barriers to Wellbeing in Rural Britain
This report is written for national and local policymakers and community leaders to better understand hardship in the North Cotswolds: experiences of rural hardship, coping strategies, and barriers to improved wellbeing.