Category: Organisations

All Pulling Together CIC

All Pulling Together Community Association was set up by the local residents of Park Estate Stonehouse.

We give out food supplies on two days per week – larder and fresh food.

We are a food bank referrer and offer Debt advice; P3 Charity; C.A.B; Severn Wye Energy on site and other signposting

Address: All Pulling Together CIC, 1. Park Parade, Park Road, Stonehouse. GL10 2DB
[email protected]
01453 822705

Dean Forest Kitchen

Dean Forest Kitchen offer a Meals on Wheels service throughout the Forest of Dean.
All meals cooked fresh and delivered hot by a friendly face. If you are elderly, isolated, can’t leave your home and any other reason then get in touch

Dean Forest Kitchen have a kitchen for community use and cookery lessons and are able to offer additional support such as signposting to additional help.

Address: Building 9, Floor 2, Vantage Point, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, GL17 0DD
[email protected]
01594 545882

The Great Plate

The Great Plate is a social enterprise that wants to improve the quality and impact of school meals across our communities. This will mean tastier, more nourishing food and using any profits to create community feasts and freezers for our communities.

As part of the Grace network, we are involved in several operations, but our day to day work is reimagining the way we feed children in primary schools.

Address: The West Suite, The Mill, Brimscombe Mill, Stroud, GL52QG
[email protected]


Forest Green Community Cafe and Food Project

The café and food pantry are open to EVERYONE and to ALL ages. There are hot drinks, biscuits, breakfast items, cakes, crafts and good company!

The Food Pantry will be open and accessible to all – please ask a volunteer if you need support with food. There aren’t any criteria for using the food pantry, whether you work or not, have children or not, claim benefits or not, visit the café or not. There are no questions asked just support.

The café is PAYF (Pay As You Feel), and this wouldn’t be possible without the support of volunteers, Forest Green Rovers Community, grants from organisations, food donations from the public and local supermarkets.
Come in and say hello, enjoy a drink and a chat.

We are able to refer to Stroud foodbank, they also attend every Thursday as the address is also a distribution point.
the 1st Monday of each month SDC housing officer, social prescriber, Employment support and Digi support are in attendance.

Access: Accessible to all

Geographic Area: Nailsworth

Opening Days: Monday and Thursday
Opening Times: Monday 9am - 12.30pm, Thursdays 2.30pm - 4pm

Cost: Pay as you Feel

Contact Details

The Arkell Centre, Nympsfield road, Nailsworth, GL6 0ET
[email protected]
Collection Service
Ambient Food Items
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Frozen Food
Suitable for Vegetarians
Suitable for Vegans
Dairy-Free Available
Household Items