Category: Spotlight On

Nourishing Gloucester

Building a sustainable food network was one of the priority areas identified at Feeding Gloucestershire’s launch in Gloucester and reflects the recommendations made in Nourishing Gloucester: A Food Strategy for All

Through the Nourishing Gloucester Forum, which is being facilitated by Feeding Gloucestershire and Gloucester City Council,  we will explore how we can bring together strategic and policy priorities with practical community delivery, knowledge and experience – to identify key development areas and create an action plan that is reflective of the needs of Gloucester City and the organisations that support the city.

At our first Forum meeting in November 2023 we explored two questions

  • What we need for a Sustainable Food Network by 2030?
  • How can we create the Network and who should be around the table?

At our second forum we discussed prioritising the work and working groups have begun to form, the areas prioritised are

  • Accessing Fresh Local Food
  • Distribution and Surplus
  • Nutrition and Learning
  • Community Growing

Wrap around support and Mapping are areas of work that are already in progress. Health and Wellbeing is a strand of work that runs through all of the priorities and funding is an area we will review with  organisations involved as this work progresses.

One thing that was requested at the forum was a directory of organisations across Gloucester who are or wish to be involved with this work. So we have created a google form to collect Directory information and will host a Gloucester specific directory. Please fill in this form to sign up to the directory and to tell us if you would like to be involved in any of the working groups.

To contact the Nourishing Gloucester support team (Leanne and Deb) please email [email protected] or updates can be found here or on social media–FacebookInstagram and Twitter