Category: News

Cheltenham District Launch

We started June with our 4th launch, held at the Pavillion in Cheltenham. We had a wonderful mix of people representing all sectors and the launch highlighted the partnership working that is already happening across the borough.

Our speakers included Kelly Patterson of Cheltenham Brough Council, who updated us on how the council is supporting initiatives across the district – from Feed Cheltenham to Cheltenham Zero. Linda Grice told us about the work of Feed Cheltenham and the food network. Claire Dovey spoke to us about the new growing movement that has begun in Cheltenham and Raechel Kelly told us about the work Vision 21, Planet Cheltenham and Cheltenham Zero are doing to promote sustainable living in Cheltenham and beyond.

A fantastic buffet lunch was provided by Faith of Springbank Community Group, and after lunch we had some breakout sessions to discuss the work already happening in the borough, the opportunities available and challenges we face.

We are now working to bring together the feedback from the launch, but the things that have stood out so far are –

  • More events that give us the opportunity to connect and share
  • Connecting the work across the county and learning about other projects
  • Exploring the wider opportunities to work together
  • More connection between the food support network, growing projects and the sustainability movement.
  • Mapping what is already happening and identifying the gaps.

once again our thanks go to those who were able to join us


Here is the information  and learning from this event – Cheltenham Launch

Forest of Dean District Launch

We hosted our first in person district event on Friday 5th May at Harts Barn in the Forest of Dean. It was a great success and as you can see from the photos, we had a great turn out of enthusiastic stakeholders, all united in the desire to support, enhance and maximise opportunities for all the communities of the Forest of Dean.

The morning gave the opportunity for a reflection of the journey to date by the Forest Voluntary Action Forum, a celebration of what a community growing project can provide to its community through Beki at Blakeney Hill Growers and an update on where the Climate Emergency strategy for the district is. What was clear throughout the morning is the food is the golden thread that ties some many pieces together. We also heard from Jenny Salter, Gloucestershire’s Sustainable Food Places coordinator about the exciting plans and initiatives that everyone can be part of from the Council, organisations, and individuals.

The morning was rounded off with a delicious lunch cooked by Joe at Harts Barn, showcasing some of the fantastic food producers from the region.

Three main areas that came out the discussion at the event were:

  • A desire for more join up:
  • Who is doing what and where?
  • Food distribution, availability and surplus
  • Digital inclusion
  • Youth Interaction and engagement

We will work with our members and partners in the Forest of Dean and the County to explore these areas further and they will drive our work in the Forest of Dean going forward.

Stroud District Launch

Our 3rd Launch in May was Stroud District and saw us reach the halfway mark of our district launches, and it did not disappoint with over 60 people in attendance. We were hosted by Trinity Rooms Community Hub and between their team and wider members of NOSH Stroud (Network of Stroud Hubs) we were extremely well looked after.

Our morning showcased the very best of partnership working and what can be achieved through working together and supporting each other. Our thanks go to Sarah from Trinity Rooms Community Hub for her insight and update on NOSH Stroud , Annie the NOSH Stroud food coordinator for highlighting the opportunities of working with local producers. Liz Godsell from Godsells Cheese providing the essential view from the farmer and Will from The Long Table to show how sourcing locally is mutually rewarding and beneficial. We also heard from Simone from The Keepers – Wotton Area Community Hub about all the work they are doing and how valuable Food Hubs are for their communities, then Emma Keating Clark of Stroud District Council spoke about how they are supporting this work across the district

Our thanks to those who were able to join us for this launch.

Tewkesbury Borough Launch

Tewkesbury was our penultimate launch, our venue was Churchdown Community Centre and our delicious lunch, which featured local produce including lovely strawberries served with vegan cream, was created by Emma of The Welcome Table Cafe.

The launch was the opportunity to hear from Jenny, the county’s Sustainable Food Places coordinator, about the work of Sustainable Food Places and the benefits for our county and Andy Sanders told us about the work of the Borough Council and the support they can offer community organisations.

Our first breakout session focused on acknowledging what is already happening across the borough and what is working well –  from food pantries and food banks to warm spaces, and we also worked to identify gaps.

Our second breakout looked at how we could build a thriving food movement in the borough with a view to creating a food strategy and we also considered who else should be a part of this conversation.

Our thanks to those who were able to join us for this launch, we look forward to  working with you and others across the district.

Cotswold District Launch

On the 22nd June we had our sixth and final district launch and that was in Northleach at the Westwoods Centre for the Cotswold District. We had great representation across sector and conversations were so engrossed we ran late! We heard from Ed Bonn from the GREAT project about a new Zero Dig growing project in Cirencester, along with Anton providing an insightful look into the work the South Cotswold District Food bank is focusing on. We heard from the Cotswolds’ first food pantry, and we also had updates from the District Council.

This event was a platform for input and thoughts around a ‘Cotswold Food Network’ and what this could provide for the area. We will be pulling together the ideas, thoughts and aspirations in the coming weeks which will influence our journey ahead in the region.

As always food was a key theme of the day and following a decadent chocolate cake to get us going on arrival the team from the Long Table produced a wholesome and very tasty lunch for us all.

Both Debs and I reflected that we were sad to see the end of this series of in person events as each one has been inspiring and very insightful, most of all it has been a pleasure to meet so many passionate and motivate individuals all wanting to work together to strengthen our region’s food equity.

Worrying About Money Leaflets

Following on from the successful leaflet for Stroud and The Cotswolds, Feeding Gloucestershire worked with IFAN to produce a ‘Worrying About Money’ leaflet for each of the districts in our County, these leaflets are now printed and distributed across the county and are available online through the IFAN website.

Feeding Gloucestershire coordinated with IFAN and the Trussell Trust and delivered 2 online training workshops in July 2023. A recording of the online workshop is available here.

To see the leaflet for your district please click below


Forest of Dean


Stroud and Cotswolds

Tewkesbury Borough

To learn more about ‘Worrying About Money’ leaflets or our other work on financial inclusion and support please contact our project manager Lizzie Dyer

Cotswolds and Forest of Dean Pantry Workshop

On March 22nd Feeding Gloucestershire facilitated a workshop to support the exploration of Affordable Food Club models in the Cotswolds and the Forest of Dean.

The workshop brought together speakers from Food Pantries across the county to share their experiences in setting up and running food pantries with a membership model., the recording of this workshop can be found here.

Affordable food clubs, such as community pantries, larders and even food buses, are designed to help people on a low incomes stretch their budgets further. Joining an affordable food club means people can get food, and other essential items, for a lot less than their retail value (for example 10 items a week for £3.50).

Many affordable food clubs also offer other help – they can signpost you to other help such as debt advice, or they can offer advice drop in session. They can also offer social activities, including school holiday provision, community cafes and community growing opportunities.

A recording of the workshop is available here